Drooling Ape Bus Club logo
Submit Ape

Submission Rules

  1. Do not share your image with anyone until approved or denied. This is for your protection.
  2. Submission must be 1080x1080
  3. 5MB cutoff for GIFs; 1MB pixels cutoff for PNGs, JPGs, etc.
  4. Token must not be divisible
  5. Token must be locked
  6. Do not send token until approved for series
  7. Issuance must be a minimum of 69
  8. Only 1 submission per artist until approved or denied
  9. If you just take an existing Bored Ape and add a hat or some drool, that's not really what we're looking for. While Drooling Apes can resemble Bored Apes, the drawing should be original, not just a copy of a Bored Ape.

There is a 5MB upload limit to what the server can handle. If your file is bigger than that, it'll fail.

That is not to say your asset can't be greater than 5MB. It can be whatever you'd like on xchain. Simply upload a smaller GIF or a static image representation of your GIF.